Climage change, the rate of extinction of species, and the challenge of feeding a growing population are putting humanity at risk, the United Nations Environment Program says in its fourth Global Environmental Outlook since 1997.
Dozens of Species of Primates Are Under Threat, Study Finds
A new report from the World Conservation Union states nearly a third of known primatesare listed as threatened with extinction.
The Mississippi Mesonet
Over the past five years, Jackson State University has taken a leading role in the development of a world-class mesoscale observing network in Mississippi for research, education, and operational use: The Mississippi Mesonet (White and Matlack 2005). Broadly speaking a mesonet can be considered to be a network of automated weather observing stations whose spatial distribution facilitates near-real time description in between the standard “synoptic” observing stations of the National Weather Service (NWS) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). In many cases, they are characterized by improved temporal resolution and supplemental sensors compared to the synoptic network.
GPS experts suggest new approach for high-tech satellites
Experts testify that the Air Force should focus on developing more affordable high-tech satellites for the next-generation Global Positioning System instead of developing the super-high tech “Battleship Galactica.”
Economic Impact of Great Lakes Shrinking
Water levels in the Great Lakes are falling. For example, Lake Ontario is about seven inches below where it was a year ago. As water levels fall shipping companies face millions in additional costs.
South Struggles to Cope With Drought
Georgia’s governor declared a state of emergency for 85 counties
Environmental Laws Waived to Press Work on Border Fence
The homeland security secretary waived several environmental laws to continue building a border fence through a national conservation area in Arizona.
Rising Seas Will Swamp America's Shores
Scientists predict 1-m sea level rise within 50 years.
White House Cuts to Climate Testimony Raise Questions
White House edits CDC testimony on the health risks of climate change.
Lonely Planet
This brief article describes the how satellite imagery can deliver the not-so-good news.