Team Location: NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), Huntsville, Alabama
Authors: Claire Herdy, University of Alabama, Huntsville; Binita KC, University of Georgia; Steve Padgett-Vasquez, University of Georgia.
Advisors/Mentors: Dr. Jeff Luvall, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, GHCC Global Hydrology and Climate Center; Cameron Handyside, UA-Huntsville, Earth System Science Center; Jason Kessler, NASA SERVIR; Gwen Artis, NASA SERVIR.
Abstract: The goal of this research is to improve environmental management and climate change preparedness by strengthening the relationship between scientists, governments, and international aid organizations who are using geospatial technologies to improve future food security in the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region. Using real-time satellite data, TRMM precipitation, GLDAS solar insolation, and temperature in a gridded form of DSSAT, GriDSSAT Nepalese food security forecasts and famine threat predictions can be generated. Crop yield forecasts can be made using this gridded Decision Support System for Agro-technology, a point data system that can be used to determine crop health, growth and yield. Yields derived from satellite data will be compared to in-situ yield data from Nepal’s Agricultural Ministry and eventually transitioned to an online public mapping tool.