IEEE Earthzine’s Jenny Woodman is blogging from the Exploration Vessel (E/V) Nautilus.
Notes from the Nautilus Blog: A Voice for the Sanctuary
Jenny Stock is the education and outreach coordinator for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary.
Earthzine Writing Fellowship Dives into the Ocean, One Story at a Time
IEEE Earthzine’s 2017 Writing Fellowship, sponsored by XPRIZE, engages students and early career professionals on ocean exploration through storytelling. Their first assignment was to interview each other.
Notes from the Nautilus Blog: Departure Day
IEEE Earthzine’s Jenny Woodman is blogging from the Exploration Vessel (E/V) Nautilus.
Jan. 1 Deadline for Input on Federal Plan for Future Ocean Research
If you work in ocean science and technology fields, then the U.S. government would like to hear from you about research priorities for the coming decade; the deadline for input is Jan. 1, 2017.
Understanding Seals – A Scientist and Artist in One of the Last Wild Places on Earth
Damian Lidgard is a scientist and artist who spends eight weeks each year on a remote barrier island studying and photographing grey seals for Canada’s Ocean Tracking Network. Part Two of Three. Click here for Part One and Part Three of the series. There is something in their dog-like eyes that draws an onlooker in, sharing, for a brief moment, … Read More
Dispatches from Oceans ‘16: The Future of Oceans
New technologies, tackling big data and fully exploring the mysteries in the ocean seems to be a real possibility.
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants Part Two: The Stellar Works of Women
With Women in STEM a topic of conversation these days, it is worth remembering that women have made a great number of contributions throughout history.
Searching for Answers at Sea: 2016 West Coast Ocean Acidification Cruise
NOAA’s 2016 Ocean Acidification Cruise was an unprecedented voyage with scientists collaborating to understand a changing ocean environment.
A Hitchhiker’s Guide to CubeSats
CubeSats, once viewed with skepticism, are changing the way we think about space exploration and Earth observation.