Breaking the Ring of Fire: Preparing for Drought Disasters in Texas

EarthzineAssessing Drought and Water Availability, DEVELOP 2015 Summer VPS, DEVELOP Virtual Poster Session

This is an article from the Summer 2015 VPS. For more VPS articles, click here

Drought Severity Index for the state of Texas in June 2011. Lower values (browns) represent areas of more significant drought conditions, while higher values (blues) indicate areas less affected by drought. The DSI was designed to range the values of drought severity from no less than zero to no higher than one. When viewing this map, it is clear that the drought conditions increased in severity from central to west Texas. East Texas, however, remained relatively wet. Image Credit: Texas Water Resources Team

Drought Severity Index for the state of Texas in June 2011. Lower values (browns) represent areas of more significant drought conditions, while higher values (blues) indicate areas less affected by drought. The DSI was designed to range the values of drought severity from no less than zero to no higher than one. When viewing this map, it is clear that the drought conditions increased in severity from central to west Texas. East Texas, however, remained relatively wet. Image Credit: Texas Water Resources Team

Category:åÊAssessing Drought and Water Availability

Project Team: Texas Water Resources

Team Location: NASA Langley Research Center – Hampton, Virginia


Megan Buzanowicz

Laura Lykens

Zacary Richards

Jeff Close


Dr. Kenton Ross (NASA DEVELOP National Program)

Dr. Venkat Lakshmi (University of South Carolina)


The 2011 wildfire season was one of the most destructive wildfire seasons in Texas history. The combination of a wet 2010 growing season, which allowed vegetation to prosper, followed by an extremely dry year in 2011 provided the worst case scenario for wildfires. The purpose of this project was to expand upon a drought severity index (DSI) created during the summer 2013 Great Plains Agriculture project. A risk map of potential wildfire areas that contain dry fuels also was created, showing specifically how dry the fuels are. To accomplish this, data that measure specific factors contributing to drought conditions and dry vegetation were acquired, including land surface temperature and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument onboard the Aqua and Terra satellites, precipitation from the Multi-Sensor Precipitation Estimate (MPE), and soil moisture from the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS). Data for these four factors were compiled through ArcGIS in order to assemble a risk map. The accuracy of the DSI was correlated to live fuel moisture data supplied by the Texas Forest Service (TFS). Methods and results produced for determining drought conditions were presented to the TFS for future use throughout the state, the benefit of which was a high-resolution drought index that can be easily constructed with little cost to the end-user.

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