Water Requirement Satisfaction Index (WRSI) crop model showing severe drought in Eastern Africa in 2011-2012 that resulted in famine conditions. Image Credit: USGS, USAID Famine Early Warning Systems Network.
2013 Quarterly Theme Issue 2
March 20-June 21, 2013
Earthzine.org, an IEEE-sponsored online scientific journal, is soliciting articles of 800-3,000 words for its second 2013 quarterly theme on Applied Sciences. We seek contributions from all regions of the globe, addressing programs and research related to integrating satellite remote-sensing data and model output into applications and decision-support systems that support global change issues and policy.
This theme specifically focuses on ways to prepare applications programs, decision-support systems and Earth science models to use measurements from upcoming missions such as NASA’s Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP), ICESat-2, Global Precipitation Mission (GPM), ESA’s EarthCare, ADM-Aeolus, SWARM, the Sentinel series, EumetSat’s next generation Metop and MeteoSat, and others.
These new datasets have great potential to transform our ability to advance Earth system science, detect environmental hazards, and improve decision support. Articles regarding preparations and applied research that support the use of these new datasets are requested.
Specific topics of interest include:
Û¢ Applied research that demonstrates potential benefits from using new satellite data on systems and processes that are relevant to key environmental issues
Û¢ Decision-support systems, programs and processes that integrate Earth observations into analyses that are used by institutions and government entities to make decisions or policy
Û¢ Case studies demonstrating the communication and relationships needed to effectively move science to application
Û¢ Research involving new satellite observations that will improve decision-support systems and processes
Û¢ Assessing the benefits of applied sciences by profiling and highlighting activities of emerging national space programs such as South Africa’s next generation Sumbandila, India’s Kalpana and Insat, Argentina-Brazilian Sabia, and others
Û¢ Reports on research-led teaching related to the usage of new satellite data in decision-support systems and Earth science models.
We invite you to submit an article and become part of a growing, professionally diverse community and global readership network working to build the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). We welcome articles about programs, projects, organizations, examples of interdisciplinary and/or cross-regional research latest discoveries, and unusual findings. We also publish opinion essays, and book and art reviews.
Young Professionals (YPs) are the next generation of leaders who are at the front lines of applied research. We welcome profile and opinion articles of YPs and their mentors active in applying Earth observations and their use in decision-making.
Important dates: Queries to the editors may be sent at any time. Submission of original articles and other content will be accepted until June 1. Submissions must be in English. Submit inquiries and articles to Managing Editor Jeff Kart at jkart@earthzine.org.
Publication: All accepted contributions will undergo review by subject-matter experts, be published online from March 20-June 21, 2013, at Earthzine.org, and be freely accessible to the public. Earthzine does not charge authors for publishing.
Please consult our Writer Guidelines for further information: earthzine.org/writers-guidelines/
Earthzine.org is an informative scientific online journal dedicated to promoting the societal benefits of Earth observation and the use of Earth information in planning and policy. Sponsored by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers), Earthzine supports the Group on Earth Observation in establishing the Global Earth Observation System of Systems. Earthzine seeks to explore the application of scientific and technological research as well as policy and its implementation for the benefit of society.
More information:
Themes page earthzine.org/themes-page/
About page earthzine.org/about/
GEO page www.earthobservations.org/index.shtml
Guest Editor
Dr. Molly E. Brown
Dr. Paul E. Racette
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Daniel McInerney
Managing Editor
Jeff Kart