In the face of a potential collapse of the Chinook salmon run in the Sacramento River, all commercial salmon fishing has been canceled this year from the coast of California to the north-centra Oregon.
We'll Reap What We Sow
The Farm Bill – originally created as a safety net for farmers during the Depression – has transformed into a program in which large agribusiness secures state subsidies.
GM Seeds Can "Last For 10 Years"
Swedish researchers have found that some genetically modified plant seeds can persist in the soil for up to ten years, despite intensive efforts in the intervening years to remove genetically modified seeds from plots.
Ecuador Sues Colombia to Stop Anti-Coca Herbicide Spray
The government of Ecuador has filed a lawsuit against the government of Colombia in the International Court of Justice over the latter’s aerial anti-coca spraying in an area bordering the two countries.
Major Food Source Threatened By Climate Change
Yields in arguably the world’s most important food source – rice – will drop in many areas as the globe warms in future years with the poorest parts of the world being hit the hardest.
Vietnam "Hub For Illegal Timber"
A report by the UK-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) and Indonesia’s Telapak shows that Vietnam’s laws to protect its own forests are driving the market for illegally logged timber.
Wal-Mart Move 'TIpping Point' for Driving Monsanto's Bovine Growth Hormone off the Market
Walmart’s announcement that it’s store brand milk will now come from cows not treated with growth hormones sounds the death knell for the genetically engineered bovine hormone.
Buried Seed Vault Opens in Arctic
The world’s first secure, deep-frozen repository for hundreds of thousands of seeds that underpin agricultural – agriculture’s Fort Knox – has opened on Norway’s northernmost archipelago.
Call For New Laws on Stolen Logs
The Group of Eight is considering passing international legislation allowing the prosecution of those found dealing in illegal timber.
Buzzing About Climate Change
According to Wayne Esais’ honeybees, big changes are underway in Maryland forests. The most important event in the life of flowering plants and their pollinators, flowering itself, is happening much earlier in the year than it used to.