The Bollworm – the bane of agribusiness cotton growers – has evolved resistance to genetically engineered cotton.
Biofuels Deemed a Greenhouse Threat
Two studies published in the journal Science on thursday show that biofuels actually add more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere than fossil fuels.
Cutting Carbon and Still Wrecking the Planet
Stan Cox and Wes Jackson warn that if we have to grow a crop of fuel in a way that we shouldn’t grow a crop of food, we should be looking for a way to do without that fuel.
Whole Foods CEO lays out the 'Future of Food'
Citing numerous problems with America’s cuurent agribusiness food systems, Whole Foods CEO John Mackey sees a new era of food production on the horizon – the Ecological Era.
"Serious Questions" Open the Way for a Ban on GMO Corn
A report released on Wednesday by the Provisional High Authority on Genetically Modified Organisms lays the way for a moratorium on GMO corn in France citing new scientific information.
Las Vegas to Build World's First 30 Story Vertical Farm
The city of Las Vegas, Nevada is planning to construct a $200 million, 30 story farm that is expected to feed 72,000 people a year and – once functional – be as profitable as a casino.
Timber Theft Is a Growing "Business"
As illegal logging on private property becomes more widespread in the United States, states and non-profit organizations are taking steps to curb the practice.
Biofuels, the Biggest Scam Going
Jim Goodman of the Organic Consumers Association bursts the bubble on biofuels, highlighting their dubious renewability, environmental damage, and inability to meet potential demand.
Traditional Medicine Plants Disappearing As Demand Rises
Demand for traditional medicines – which consumers feel is more holistic than Western medicine – is threatening to drive many South African medicinal plants to extinction, in turn collapsing an industry that many South Africans depend upon.
Forest Loss in Sumatra Becomes a Global Issue
Worldwide demand for palm oil used in cooking, cosmetics, and “earth-friendly” biodiesel is driving logging of Sumatra’s once-dense forests and the establishment of palm plantations, causing concern about the greenhouse gas contributions caused by deforestation – which now accounts for 20% of global emissions – and Indonesia’s potential “carbon bomb.”