NASA's ARSET Training Program: From the Classroom to Real-World Satellite Applications

PradosArticles, Atmospheric Chemistry Theme, Earth Observation, Education, Original

Photograph showing folks at NASA ARSET Air Quality Training at the Desert Research Institute, Reno, Nevada, held on June 11-12, 2011. This workshop featured attendees from state health and air quality agencies, Tribal Nations, and students. Image credit: NASA/ARSET.

Satellite imagery showing carbon monoxide over the U.S. and Canada. Image Credit: NASA GES DISC, NASA/ARSET.The NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET) develops courses for end-users on the application of satellite data and imagery to environmental decision-making activities related to water resources, air quality, and disaster management. ARSET makes course materials publicly available and actively encourages their use by environmental managers or others interested in developing their own applied remote sensing courses.

Deadline Extended: Call for Papers – Atmospheric Chemistry

StockwellAnnouncements, Atmospheric Chemistry Theme, Original

A natural-color image on June 20, 2011, of Chile’s Puyehue-Cordón Caulle Volcanic Complex. Credit: NASA, Jeff Schmaltz MODIS Rapid Response, an IEEE-sponsored online scientific journal, is soliciting articles of 800 to 3,000 words for its third 2012 quarterly theme on Atmospheric Chemistry. We seek contributions from all regions of the globe, addressing current issues, techniques and applications related to Atmospheric Chemistry measurements and their broad application to global change issues and policy.