Across the globe, mangroves play a major role in coastal ecosystem processes mitigating erosion and serving as barriers against storm surges.
In the Line of Fire: Exposing the Vulnerable in Appalachia
Wildfires in the southeastern U.S. are understood less than those in other portions of the nation.
The Delta Smeltdown: Monitoring Turbidity to Aid Delta Smelt Conservation
Water quality is a critical element of freshwater supply, particularly in times and areas of drought.
Arctic Invaders
The rapid expansion of purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) and reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) into aquatic and wetland systems has reduced native plant abundance, decreased species diversity, and degraded wildlife habitats for birds and amphibians throughout North America.
A Step Ahead: Analyzing Cyclone Vulnerability to Coordinate Disaster Relief Efforts in the Philippines
The United States Virgin Islands (USVI) are home to an array of diverse and stunning habitats.
Catching the Cheatgrass in the Act: Identifying the Movement of Cheatgrass in the Colorado National Monument
Bromus tectorum, otherwise known as cheatgrass, is an invasive grass from Europe that has increased its presence all over the world by out-competing native grasses due to its adaptability and lifecycle.
In the Spotlight: Using Nighttime Light Emissions to Assess Energy Consumption and Poverty
Bromus tectorum, otherwise known as cheatgrass, is an invasive grass from Europe that has increased its presence all over the world by out-competing native grasses due to its adaptability and life cycle.
Waves of Change: Coexisting with Oceanic Oscillations in the Marshall Islands
The project team partnered with the Regional Climate Services Director (RCSD) for the Pacific Region under NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) to analyze near-real time (i.e., weekly) spatial and temporal patterns and trends in sea-surface height (SSH) around the US Affiliated Pacific Islands (USAPI).
Tree Health Time Machine
Nearly three quarters of Lassen Volcanic National Park (LVNP) is designated as Wilderness under the Wilderness Act of 1964, meaning it is to be managed ÛÏto preserve its natural conditions Û_ with the imprint of man’s work substantially unnoticeable.Û
An Ocean Between Us: Monitoring Marine and Vegetation Health on Cocos Island
The Isla del Coco Marine Reserve off the coast of Costa Rica is experiencing several environmental challenges including rising sea surface temperature (SST), coral reef bleaching, coastal erosion, and loss of cloud coverage above its cloud forest.