How can Earth research results be better portrayed to the public? Langley DEVELOP’s HIVE team has begun the Kinect-HIVE integration allowing the bodily motion of a student to control movement in a 3D virtual environment.
Measuring Reservoir Heights via Satellite Altimetry Products for Global Flood Modeling
Can future floods, economic loss, and saving lives be achieved through measuring reservoir heights? NASA Goddard’s DEVELOP students are comparing near real-time altimetry satellite data and in-situ data to monitor and measure changes in water storage of downstream releases to aid in the mitigation global flood events.
Satellites assist in the fight to preserve Biodiversity of the Cahaba River in Central Alabama
Can satellite land data be used to help with river quality monitoring and restoration? DEVELOP team members analyzed satellite images to study the link between landscape changes and water quality by measuring vegetation quantities in parts of the Cahaba River Watershed, as well and how that related to mussel biodiversity and insect data.