Biodiesel: What's in your tank?

adamEconomy, Energy

A new study reveals that both pure and blended biodiesel may not contain what is advertised, raising numerous questions about the industry. …Read more at the original article here (This article was syndicated in an earlier version of the Earthzine website, but is no longer reproduced here. Hope you enjoy the article at the original source).

London Drivers to Pay $49 USD/Day Carbon Charge

adamClimate, Economy, Politics

Maybe as early as this October, owners of vehicles emitting 225 grammes of carbon dioxide per kilometre will have to fork over £25 per day to drive their behemonths through London, a city that alone “generates some 7 per cent of Britain’s climate-warming carbon emissions.”

Carbon Embodied in International Trade

adamClimate, Economy

A new study in the journal ES&T shows that 20% of global carbon emissions come from production activities in the developing world that work to feed the developed world’s consumption habits.