Originally Published by the NY Times – With lofty dreams of European unity increasingly grounded by economic woe and the weight of narrow national interests, an array of computer screens here in central Italy blinks with faint signs that Europe’s often quarreling nations can still sometimes find common cause.
With Ban on Drilling Practice, Town Lands in Thick of Dispute
– Longmont’s ban on hydraulic fracturing has inspired other cities to push for similar prohibitions. But it has also set the city on a collision course with oil companies and the state of Colorado.
Cost of mining coal continues to climb
– It’s become common to blame the flagging fortunes of coal mining companies on low natural gas prices that have convinced many U.S. utilities and industries to slash their use of coal. But is that true?
The Mismeasure of All Things
– As a method of gauging the wealth of a society, gross domestic product is grossly inaccurate.
U.S. Wind Power Expected to Peak in 2012
– The U.S. Department of Energy‘s ”2011 Wind Technologies Market Report” finds that in 2011, the United States was still one of the fastest-growing markets for wind power.
How government funding of science rewards U.S. taxpayers
– The United States can remain strong in both science and technology provided the right decisions are made.
Plastic Bags to be Banned in the City of Angels
– The Los Angeles City Council approved plans to phase out plastic bags at about 7,500 stores within the next 16 months.