Intel – the world’s largest manufacturer of chips – has announced plans to purchase 1.5 billion kilowatt hours of renewable energy certificates making it the United States’ biggest corporate purchaser of clean energy credits.
Whole Foods CEO lays out the 'Future of Food'
Citing numerous problems with America’s cuurent agribusiness food systems, Whole Foods CEO John Mackey sees a new era of food production on the horizon – the Ecological Era.
The Story of Stuff
Annie Leonard has spent years researching the underside of our production and consumption patterns and presents her findings regarding the connections between environmental and social issues here in a 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled video.
"Serious Questions" Open the Way for a Ban on GMO Corn
A report released on Wednesday by the Provisional High Authority on Genetically Modified Organisms lays the way for a moratorium on GMO corn in France citing new scientific information.
The Economics of Nuclear Power
A report authored by international energy and economic experts titled “The Economics of Nuclear Power” suggest that nuclear power is neither a practical nor economically viable solution to energy concerns in today’s climate change charged atmosphere.
State of the World 2008: Environmental Woes Sow Seeds of Sustainability
The recently released Worldwatch Institute’s annual “State of the World” report lays out a lengthy list of pressing environmental issues caused by today’s global economic system, but also points out that the world is making progress – albeit slow progress – towards sustainability.
As '08 Begins, Kyoto Nations Ring in Binding Emission Curbs
As the US continues to stall on global warming, for 36 countries that have ratified the Kyoto Protocol – including the European Union, Australia, Canada, Japan and New Zealand – the new year brings with it the implementation of legally binding targets for greenhouse gas emission reductions.
Oil Price At Record $100 A Barrel
Violence in Nigeria, Algeria and Pakistan, coupled with a weak US dollar and fears of cold weather have prompted oil prices to rise to $100 a barrel for the first time in history.
Reversal by U.S. Yields Climate Plan
After two weeks of discussion, delegates from 187 countries were able to reach agreement on the need for a new climate accord to be negotiated by 2009. Agreement to broker a new accord came only after an apparent reversal of the US position in the closing hours of the conference. The new plan does not include binding agreements to cut … Read More
The Pitfalls of Energy Efficiency
Physicist Rick Marshall employs the three laws of thermodynamics to debunk a popular way of combatting climate change, showing that energy efficiency might not actually reduce energy demand.