We believe we have found a recipe that could open a new door to producing jet fuel from ocean algae. We are not claiming some Rumplestiltskinesque hay-into-gold finding—but rather a first step worth exploring. We took a closer look at a certain type of algae, which contain a class of fascinating and overlooked chemical compounds that most algae do not … Read More
UK to pioneer lagoon power plants
Plans to generate electricity from the world’s first series of tidal lagoons are unveiled in the UK, with sites proposed in Wales, Somerset and Cumbria.
Lester Brown: 'Vast dust bowls threaten tens of millions with hunger'
Over his 50-year career, Lester Brown has become known for his accurate global environmental predictions. As he enters retirement, he warns the world may face the worst hunger crisis of our lifetimes Continue reading…
Mining threatens to eat up northern Europes last wilderness
A New Frontier for Fracking: Drilling Near the Arctic Circle
Nuclear reactors in northern England to be shut down due to faults
One-third of German Power Came from Renewables in First Half of 2014
Vermont Law School: The Ethical Dimensions of Energy Policy
The human use of energy has profound moral and ethical implications, raising issues that can only be answered by considering notions of justice. Earthzine science writer Osha Gray Davidson blogs about these crucial issues while on a fellowship at the Vermont Law School.