Since 2012, Google has been working with the National Congress of the American Indians (NCAI) to update Google Maps to accurately reflect the location and boundaries of American Indian reservations in the United States.
Why We Should Start Thinking About Soil Moisture
What is the importance of the moisture beneath our feet- and we’re not talking about
sweat? Earthzine offers a quick look at why soil moisture matters.
A Proposal for Climate Change Adaptation at the Local Level in Costa Rica
The implementation of climate change adaptation strategies at the municipal level is fundamental for the integration of efforts that would otherwise leave actions uncovered, resulting in a slower, less effective, and more expensive adaptation process.
The International Space Station Beams Benefits to Earth
Greening Hamburg: A Model for Sustainability
Earth Day 2014 is upon us, and the theme for the year is Green Cities. The theme was selected by the Earth Day Network in recognition of the fact that more people now live in urban than rural areas and that the challenges of achieving a desirable quality of life in the face of growing populations will be compounded by the effects of climate change.
Wideband Sensor Technologies for Measuring Surface Snow
The authors have developed a novel broadband antenna technology that enables remote sensing measurements over the X- to Ka-band microwave spectrum from a single aperture. The antenna technology is integrated with an airborne X- and Ku-band synthetic aperture radar and K-and Ka-band radiometer for measuring the spatial distribution of surface snow.
Challenges in Agricultural Practices in the Mountains of Eastern Bhutan
Team Location: International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Kathmandu, Nepal; and Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama. Authors: Tenzin, (Sherubtse College, Kanglung), Project Lead Prabesh Shrestha, (Kathmandu University), Project Lead Binayak Tiwari (Tribhuvan University) Kezang Gaden (Sherubtse College, Kanglung) Namgay Dorji (Sherubtse College, Kanglung) Sabitra Basnet (Sherubtse College, Kanglung) Kel Markert (University of Alabama in Huntsville) Casey Calamaio (University … Read More