The first ever virtual OCEANS conference, Global OCEANS 2020: Singapore-U.S. Gulf Coast, was held during 5-31 Oct. This virtual conference was also unique as it combined two regional OCEANS into a single Global OCEANS.
Plastics in the Ocean – The take at OCEANS Seattle
Summary of Plastic-pollution related talks delivered at the OCEANS conference held in Seattle.
OCEANS ’19 Marseille: Analysis of the number of papers mentioning machine learning
We look at an instance of how Machine learning has impacted the academic landscape – an overview of the number of papers on machine learning-related topics at MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2019 Marseille.
Merging of scientific minds at the Little Red Dot, Singapore
The next OCEANS conference will be held in Singapore, and promises to take further the discussion on Ocean science and technology.
Earthzine at OCEANS Seattle
Earthzine’s consecutive fifth year of live coverage at OCEANS will continue in Seattle beginning October 27th, 2019. Hari Vishnu, Editor, EarthzineOctober 24, 2019Want to stay updated with the latest stories from one of the largest gatherings of leading global innovators, analysts, and producers of marine technology, research, and education ? Want to know what happened at the OCEANS conference, but … Read More
Data. To store or not to store, that is the question.
Panel Session on “Big data processing: What is the added value, for which applications?” at Oceans conference, Marseille.
World Hydrography Day Workshop at OCEANS Conference
A workshop dedicated to World Hydrography Day was organized at Oceans 2019 conference by the International Federation of Hydrographic societies.
Arctic a ‘hot’ research topic at Oceans’19 conference
Arctic research was ‘hot’ at Oceans, Marseille. Here’s a summary.
Careers – An IEEE OES panel at Oceans’18 in Charleston
Summary of a Panel discussion on Careers held at Oceans’18 Charleston organized by IEEE OES.
Earthzine resumes operations
Science news e-magazine Earthzine resumes operations in 2019 with revamped website and renewed coverage of Earth/Ocean science events. Watch out for our coverage of the Oceans 2019 conference at Marseille, and Mentorship theme articles.
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