After two weeks of discussion, delegates from 187 countries were able to reach agreement on the need for a new climate accord to be negotiated by 2009. Agreement to broker a new accord came only after an apparent reversal of the US position in the closing hours of the conference. The new plan does not include binding agreements to cut … Read More
More Than 1/4 of US Birds Are Threatened
Watchlist 2007, a report by the National Audobon Society and the American Bird Conservancy, says that more than a quarter of US bird species are threatened including 178 species from the continental US and 39 from Hawaii. The reports cites global warming, US governmental stance on the Endangered Species Act, and habitat loss as critical factors.
Commitment to Climate: Sweden First, US Almost Last, Study Says
The Climate Change Performance Index, released by Germanwatch during the Bali climate conference, rates 56 of the heaviest greenhouse gas polluting nations’ commitment to a healthier climate based on energy usage, carbon dioxide emissions, governmental policies and long-term trends. Results show Sweden coming in first, with Saudi Arabia placing last and the US second to last.
Liquid Coal: The Stupid Fuel
Cartoonist Mark Fiore provides his support to the National Resource Defense Council’s campaign to de-bunk the Liquid Coal movement and their flacks for one of the dirtiest “smart” solutions around.
Bush dealt first veto override on water resources bill
Legislation authorizes billions of dollars worth of Army Corps of Engineers water projects including $7 billion for Louisiana coastal restoration and hurricane protection and about $2 billion for the Florida Everglades.
U.S. Senators Propose Compulsory Greenhouse Gas Cuts
A bipartisan bill introduced in the U.S. Senate proposes mandatory, not voluntary, limits on greenhouse gases with the goal of reducing the nation’s emissions more than 60 percent by mid-century. Is this too little? Too late?
Australian Fires Add to Fears on Climate Change
Extreme weather, including a drought that has persisted in some places for six years, has focused the Australian public on climate change, and it is shaping up as a major issue in the general elections that are expected to be called in the next few weeks.
Environmental Laws Waived to Press Work on Border Fence
The homeland security secretary waived several environmental laws to continue building a border fence through a national conservation area in Arizona.
White House Cuts to Climate Testimony Raise Questions
White House edits CDC testimony on the health risks of climate change.
Critiques of a Climate Bill
Connecticut Independent Joseph Lieberman and Virginia Republican John Warner, have launched major legislation on climate change that sets a marker for Congress and directly challenges the Bush administration.