Over the past five years, Jackson State University has taken a leading role in the development of a world-class mesoscale observing network in Mississippi for research, education, and operational use: The Mississippi Mesonet (White and Matlack 2005). Broadly speaking a mesonet can be considered to be a network of automated weather observing stations whose spatial distribution facilitates near-real time description in between the standard “synoptic” observing stations of the National Weather Service (NWS) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). In many cases, they are characterized by improved temporal resolution and supplemental sensors compared to the synoptic network.
An Architect of "The System of Systems"
The hat collection overtaking his corner office two blocks from the White House says much of Conrad Lautenbacher’s interests. The caps are mementos of a decorated 40-year Navy career and also from his current job, where part of it is running oceanographic and fisheries vessels, including underwater robots.
The Future Is Drying Up
The West is the fastest-growing part of the country. It’s also the driest. And climate change could be making matters much, much worse.
At the Poles, Melting Occurring at Alarming Rate
For scientists, global warming is a disaster movie, its opening scenes set at the poles of Earth. The epic already has started. And it’s not fiction. The scenes are playing, at the start, in slow motion:
An Interview with Cindy Lee Van Dover
Cindy Lee Van Dover is a pioneer: a submarine pilot and the first woman to direct the Duke University Marine Laboratory. This interview gives insite into the life, career and discoveries of an impressive woman.
Gore Shares Peace Prize for Climate Change Work
The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Al Gore and to a United Nations panel for their work on global warming.
Welcome to Earthzine!
Welcome to Earthzine and thank you for visiting our site. It’s my pleasure to introduce and describe to you this new on-line magazine and invite you to join our on-line community of Earth observers. Earthzine.org is a premier on-line resource for news, articles, information and educational materials about Earth Science, Earth observations and users of Earth information. Earthzine.org is a … Read More
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Geoscience and Traditional Knowledge: An Interview with Dr. Daniel Wildcat
Dr. Daniel Wildcat, a Euchee member of the Muscogee Nation of Oklahoma, is a faculty member in the School of American Indian Studies at the Haskell Indian Nations University where he has taught since 1986. His doctorate is in public administration and social science and provides basis for his keen interest in the social implications of climate change. Dr. Wildcat … Read More