In advancing the goal of achieving sustainable development around the world, Rio de Janeiro will host the 20th annual United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Brazil from June 20-22.
3 Billion More Mouths to Feed
– New projections put the earth’s population at 10 billion in 2100.
Effects of Extreme Weather Events in Pakistan and Their Impacts on Sustainable Development
Floods in Pakistan threaten the nation’s infrastructure, energy security, political and economic stability and natural ecosystems. In this situation, sustainable development may be the only way to manage both natural and man-made disasters. This paper presents the effects of extreme weather events in Pakistan and their impacts on sustainable development.
Geospatial Standards: Opening Up the Geosciences
In his second essay on access of geospatial data , Lance McKee argues that the technical standards in the geosciences are largely in place and have the necessary institutional commitment, but their availability and usefulness are not yet well known. His first essay presented the rationale for making Earth location-referenced data widely available and shared.
And the 2010 Winners Are…
Earthzine is pleased to announce the winners of the 2010 University and College Student Essay and Blogging Competition, “Making Citizen Observations a Global Vision.” Co-sponsored by NASA, this year’s contest attracted well-written, thought provoking essays and an international dialogue with students on important environmental issues.