GEOWOW: GEOSS Interoperability for Weather, Ocean and Water

EarthzineApplied Sciences Theme, Earth Observation, Feature, Featured Article, Original, Themed Articles

GEOWOW logo The GEOWOW project aims to improve data discovery, access and usage and evolve GEOSS in terms of interoperability, standardization and functionality while specifically addressing three key application areas: weather, water and, ocean-ecosystems. The project includes 15 international partners and is coordinated by the European Space Agency.

Applied Sciences Theme

EarthzineApplied Sciences Theme, Original, Themed Articles

WRSI. Credit: USGS, USAID. Articles published for Earthzine’s Applied Science theme (March 20 – June 21, 2013) address programs and research related to integrating satellite remote-sensing data and model output into applications and decision-support systems that support global change issues and policy.

A new application to facilitate post-fire recovery and rehabilitation in Savanna ecosystems

EarthzineApplied Sciences Theme, Feature, Featured Article, Original, Themed Articles

RECOVER Screenshot. Credit: Carroll, et al. None of the existing information services available to the wildfire community address the specific needs of post-fire stabilization and restoration planning and monitoring vegetation recovery for semiarid lands. To assist the effort to manage savanna fires, we are developing an automated decision support system called the Rehabilitation Capability Convergence for Ecosystem Recovery (RECOVER).

Call for Papers — Applied Sciences

EarthzineApplied Sciences Theme, Original, Themed Articles

Water Requirement Satisfaction Index (WRSI) crop model showing severe drought in Eastern Africa in 2011-2012 that resulted in famine conditions. Image Credit: USGS, USAID Famine Early Warning Systems, an IEEE-sponsored online scientific journal, is soliciting articles of 800-3,000 words for its second 2013 quarterly theme on Applied Sciences. We seek contributions from all regions of the globe, addressing programs and research related to integrating satellite remote-sensing data and model output into applications and decision-support systems that support global change issues and policy.