Ocean acidification is a new challenge to fisheries managers. Tools available today offer multiple avenues for considering the phenomenon.
New Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network Brings Multi-National Approach
Here, we describe major elements of the Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON) Requirements and Governance Plan.
Ocean Acidification: A Global Issue Affecting a Maine Oyster Farm
Faced with larval production problems and recognizing trends, Mook Sea Farm developed a suite of management and mitigation strategies that have restored normal larval production.
Pacific Walrus and Coastal Alaska Native Subsistence Hunting: Considering Vulnerabilities from Ocean Acidification
Ocean acidification linked to climate change is rapidly changing Pacific walrus habitat and population, which in turn is impacting Alaska Native people dependent on the animals for food and cultural identity.
Probing Human Vulnerability to Ocean Acidification Uncovers Mitigation and Adaptation Opportunities
Ocean acidification has recently elbowed its way onto the list of wicked problems that coastal communities need to plan for.
Altered Waters: Ocean Acidification Leads Shellfish Growers to Adapt for Survival
Increasing ocean acidification has led shellfish growers to adapt their processes, but has also called attention to the growing problem.
Call for Papers: Ocean Acidification
Download call for papers. 2015 Quarterly Theme, Issue 2 Submissions accepted now through March 20, 2015 Earthzine.org, an IEEE-sponsored online scientific journal, is soliciting articles of 800 to 3,000 words for its second 2015 quarterly theme on Ocean Acidification (OA). We seek contributions from relevant disciplines and all regions of the globe. These can address current and emerging research issues, … Read More