Cities worldwide are harnessing the power of gravity to generate electricity from public drinking water.
Durango copes with 'orange nastiness' of toxic sludge river pollution
The Animas River in Colorado now glows orange after 3m gallons of toxins spilled in from a nearby gold mine.
In California, Water Restrictions Above Ground and Leaks Below
In the midst of a devastating drought, the state finds that no loss of water is trivial and goes about finding and fixing them.
Three Gorges Dam could be locking up carbon
Dam walls may prevent carbon in river sediment from reaching ocean and returning to atmosphere, a new study shows.
Some California Farmers to Cut Water Use to Ease Drought
Ever since the Gold Rush, California farmers have staked their claim to water and ferociously protected the rights to use it to irrigate the crops that have made the state the grocer for the nation.
Recharge pools could help quench future California droughts
California could solve its water problems, and cope with climate change, by actively refilling its overdrawn aquifers
How rivers regulate global carbon cycle
River transport of carbon to the ocean is not on a scale that will solve our carbon dioxide problem, but we haven’t known how much carbon the world’s rivers routinely flush into the ocean, until now. Scientists calculated the first direct estimate of how much and in what form organic carbon is exported by rivers. The estimate will help modelers … Read More
Warm Water and Strange Weather May Be Connected
Temperature anomalies in the eastern Pacific Ocean are both influencing and being influenced by unusual weather patterns. The effects are rippling through the marine environment.
Global flood toll to triple by 2030
People affected by river flooding worldwide could triple by 2030, with climate change and population growth the main factors, says a new report.
UK to pioneer lagoon power plants
Plans to generate electricity from the world’s first series of tidal lagoons are unveiled in the UK, with sites proposed in Wales, Somerset and Cumbria.