Crowdsourcing Theme

EarthzineEarth Observation

Guest Editors

Carlos Granell

University Jaume I of CastellÌ_n

Institute for New Imaging Technologies

Digital Earth and Reference Data Unit

Guest Co- Editor:

Frank Ostermann

University of Twente

Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC)

Department of Geo-Information Processing


Theme Articles

More predominant hydrometeorological events in Central America put at risk production systems including farming and ranching. Image Credit: MarÌ_a JosÌ© AvellÌÁn

A Proposal for Climate Change Adaptation at the Local Level in Costa Rica

The aim of our proposal is to create a model for implementing a participatory strategy of adaptation to climate change at the municipal level. We believe in the power of municipalities to make meaningful impact on the climate change front, and this idea was highly recognized by the judges and members of the Climate CoLab community, an MIT initiative for global collaboration on climate change.





duck-duckCounting on Volunteers: Audubon Celebrates its 115th Annual Christmas Bird Count

This yearåÊ marks Audubon’s 115th annual Christmas Bird Count. Started in 1900, the number of counts has been steadily growing, creating a valuable body of data and offering opportunities for volunteers to develop their skills and build friendships.





Birdwatchers pioneered the phenomenon of ‰Û÷citizen science,' greatly extending the reach of professional scientists in the field. Image Credit: Steve Hillebrand, Public Domain Images

Calling Inquiring Minds: Citizen Science Association Hosts 2015 Conference

Aided by the rapid increase in technology capacity and availability, citizen science has seen a surge over the last decade. In 2012, a Public Participation in Scientific Research Conference in Portland, Oregon, helped collect the thoughts and goals of avid participants in citizen science and spawned the concept of creating an association to further such conversations. The result is the nascent Citizen Science Association.






crowdsourcing thumbCall for Papers — Using Crowdsourcing to Further Earth Observation

This theme aims to highlight the ways that crowdsourcing — soliciting the general public or another large group of people to contribute to a given subject — can be applied to Earth Observations (EO) to further our understanding of the natural world.