On Oct. 17-19, the IEEE Professional Communication Society will host the International Professional Communication Conference 2011 on the campus of the University of Cincinnati. Highlights include a first-day keynote speech by Alex Steffen, co-creator of “Worldchanging,” a nonprofit organization focused on solutions-based journalism and sustainability.
The conference is a chance for attendees to network with colleagues, learn about the conference topic of sustainability, and share research and information important to technical communicators, educators, practitioners, engineers and others.
You can register for the conference at the IPCC 2011 website.
Professional Development Seminars will be offered for Continuing Education Credit on Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 17 and 18. Kim Campbell will offer “Thinking and Interacting Like a Leader” and Michael Alley will offer “Rethinking the Design of Presentation Slides.”
New to IPCC 2011 is the Student Poster Competition, a chance for students to showcase their sustainable solutions to technical challenges. Students are encouraged to participate in the competition — either in person at the conference or virtually via the Internet.
This year’s conference also includes an Awards Reception at the Newport Aquarium. The reception will honor contributions of society members Ginny Redish and Judy Ramey, as well as sustainability communication work by Jimmie Killingsworth.
Steffen’s keynote on Monday, Oct. 17, is sponsored by the Charles Phelps Taft Research Center.