The OBSERVE project, funded by the European Commission under its FP7 program, is organizing a competition aimed at promoting the use of Earth Observation data in the Balkans.
Participants from the Balkans and beyond are invited to analyze air quality data sets provided by the PROMOTE project and report their findings to organizers of the competition.
The results should describe typical phenomena that are contained in the data, such as pollution levels, their spatial relationships, and temporal evolutions.
OBSERVE hopes to attract interest from academia (in particular, college students), as well as individuals employed by institutions that want to learn more about the potential of using Earth Observation data for the benefit of the Balkans.
The prize winners will be given the opportunity to present their results during the final event of the OBSERVE project, planned for October in Thessaloniki, Greece. Travel funding (air tickets, accommodation and registration fee, for OBSERVE’s final event in Thessaloniki) will be offered to the prize winners by the OBSERVE project.
The prize winners’ contributions also will be published to (SEEJoEOG) (South-Eastern European Journal of Earth Observation and Geomatics).
The deadline for submitting results has been extended to June 30.
More information on the competition can be found at the competition section of the OBSERVE website.
See also
The Experience of the 1st OBSERVE CARAVAN Workshop
New Journal on South-Eastern European Earth Observation and Geomatics
A Post-GEO Plenary Workshop on Earth Observations for the Social Benefit of the Balkans
An Introduction to OBSERVE, Strengthening and development of Earth Observation activities for the environment in the Balkan area
OBSERVE Project Announces Competition