The European Journal of Remote Sensing is now an open-access journal publishing scientific articles on a wide range of topics relating to Earth observation and remote sensing. This article provides a brief history of the Journal to date.
The Italian Society of Remote Sensing (Associazione Italiana di TelerilevamentoåÊ or AIT), was established in 1986.åÊ Beginning in 1988, AIT published a quarterly newsletter/scientific journal titled ÛÏAIT informa.Û
In June 1993, ÛÏAIT informaÛ changed its name to the “Rivista Italiana di Telerilevamento” (Italian Journal of Remote Sensing), becoming a peer-reviewed scientific journal that was published in Italian.
Between 1993 and 2007, 39 issues of the Journal were published. In 2008, a new editorial office coordinated by Professor Marco Marchetti (the new editor-in-chief) was established that aimed at increasing the international relevance of the Journal.
In November 2011, the Italian language was abandoned after the number of contributions in Italian decreased. March 2012 saw the name of the Journal change to the European Journal of Remote SensingåÊ(EuJRS). In 2008, the Journal applied for indexing in Reuters Web of Science, in SCOPUS, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), EBSCOåÊand Google Scholar. All the applications were successful. The Impact Factor of the Journal was published for the first time in Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Report 2011. The Journal adopts the Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) through CrossRef.
The editorial board is continuously developing with scientists from around the world.
The Journal is aimed at publishing research papers and technical notes related to the use of remote sensing technologies. This covers all the possible applications related to the use of active or passive remote sensing to terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric environments. The Journal is based on a full, open-access policy.åÊ This means all articles are freely available on the web and that authors are not requested to pay for publishing.
Two notable examples of Special Issues published in EuJRS are:
åá Earth observation success stories for the purpose of regional and sub-regional governance have been collected and summarized in the issue ÛÏ25 Uses of GMES in the NEREUS RegionsÛ (11 contributions). Published in cooperation with the Earth Observation / Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (EO/GMES) Working Group of the Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies (NEREUS) European Network, the issue focused on the active demonstrations and operational uses of the space capabilities of GMES across a widening spectrum of regional uses, describing current best practice for remote sensing in civil applications at the regional and local scale
åá The special issue ÛÏMicrowave Specialist Symposium on Microwave Remote Sensing 2010 of the Earth, Oceans, Ice, and Atmosphere of the URSI Commission FÛ (16 contributions) was devoted to the publication of a selection of contributions presented at the International Union of Radio Science (URSI) Symposium. It was intended for specialists working with theoretical, experimental or application aspects of active and passive microwave remote sensing of the Earth, oceans, ice, and atmosphere. The focus was on scientific aspects of the microwave interaction with land surfaces and atmosphere and its implications for the interpretation of results obtained from satellite sensors.
Gherardo Chirici, Ph.D., has been professor of Forest Inventory and Geomatics at the University of Molise since 2005. He is the author of more than 150 scientific papers and four books related to the use of Earth observation and geomatics for forest monitoring and assessment, and co-editor-in-chief of the European Journal of Remote Sensing.