Global-warming induced climate change effects as of 2021 have been dire, but there is a ray of hope.
Antarctic and Southern Ocean Forum 2021 concludes successfully
The Antarctic and Southern Ocean Forum conference 2021 was held successfully as a virtual online event in Aug 2021.
Arctic and Northern Ocean Forum (ANOF) 2019 puts focus on Arctic research
The Arctic and Northern Ocean Forum, held in Sep 2019 in Helsinki, covered updates from researchers across the world on Arctic research.
Climate Science for the public – IPCC report on Ocean and Cryosphere
Climate change – how does it impact the Oceans and the polar regions ? A gist of a global study and a big-picture take on the latest assessment.
Arctic a ‘hot’ research topic at Oceans’19 conference
Arctic research was ‘hot’ at Oceans, Marseille. Here’s a summary.
Sea Ice from Space: Crossing Boundaries of Sea Ice Science
Polar science can be challenging, but satellites give scientists access to otherwise inaccessible regions.
Dispatches from GEO XIII: A Chilly Perspective – GEO Considers Adding a Cold Regions Initiative
The 2016 GEO Plenary will vote on the addition of a Cold Regions Initiative. A field trip to the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of Russia reveals the type of research under consideration and the importance of partnerships. Considering the amount of data a single slice yields, samples from the Vostok ice core look fairly commonplace: just a thick ring … Read More
The Big Thaw: Warming Affects Arctic Animals, People in Different Ways
Discussions of climate change often focus on mid-latitude effects in order to emphasize the need for action. However, climate change and ensuing ice melts are quickly devastating Arctic mammals and native peoples of the Arctic.