Panama saves whales, protects world trade

Amanda LewanBiodiversity, Earth Observation, Oceans

Originally Published by Science Daily – A new scheme to separate boat traffic coming into the Panama Canal from humpback whales migrating through tropical waters, based on two research papers, has been approved by the International Maritime Organization. Panama is a leader in global commerce and a steward of exceptional marine biodiversity. Nearly 17,000 commercial vessels cross the Gulf of Panama each year. This number is expected to increase significantly when new locks now under construction permit larger, “post Panamax” vessels to transit the Canal and enter its ports.

Warm weather boosts hopes for rarest bumblebee's revival in Britain


Originally Published by The Guardian- Warm spring conditions should help Britain’s rarest bumblebee as wildlife experts reintroduce a new batch of queens to help boost the species. The short-haired bumblebee vanished from the UK in 1988, having suffered declines over the previous 60 years as its habitat was lost, and was officially declared extinct in 2000.

World Migratory Bird Day Connects Tourists with Conservation

EarthzineEarth Observation

Originally Published by ENS – Bird-loving tourists can help to conserve the birds that entice them far from home. This year, for the first time, World Migratory Bird Day is linking sustainable tourism with conservation of the 50 billion migratory birds now transiting their flyways around the world.

Melting Sharks

EarthzineOriginal, St. George's School

Global temperatures have been increasing drastically during the last 13 years. Maritime ecosystems are in danger as sharks, one of the species that helps maintain the balance of marine life in the ocean, are threatened by the melting of the poles and the rising temperatures.

Leatherback Sea Turtles

EarthzineOriginal, St. George's School

The issues treated throughout the investigation root from the eminent danger of global warming, and analyses of several aspects of it, such as the loss of the polar ice caps, coastline erosion, and the changes in precipitation indexes. Then, the project focuses on the consequences inflicted on leatherback sea turtles (Dermochelys Coriacea) by the major changes on their environment.