The more trained eyes watching for invasive species, the better our chances of lessening or avoiding damage to our native landscape.
Dispatches from Oceans ‘16: Tech Startup Pushing Boundaries and Supporting Citizen Science
The OpenROV project, a tech startup that began in a garage in Cupertino in 2012, focuses on citizen science as a path to enhancing ocean observations.
Ocean Plastic Gets Cloudy
Plastic debris is collecting in the ocean, but the real threat to marine health is the plastic that can’t be measured. A new study of marine plastic found less than 1 percent of the detritus expected, prompting speculation that it is degrading into clouds of microparticles that cannot be recovered.
Citizens Observatories: Improving Socio-Economic Relations in the Context of Odor Nuisances
Odors are inevitably generated by human activities, such as industry, agro-business, and sewage plants). For neighbors, this creates discomfort that may be permanent, sometimes unacceptable. How can we turn potential conflict and dilemma of “job or comfort” into a “win-win” relationship?
Good Enough? Nichesourcing in Data Quality Assessment
Life isn’t simple when you deal with crowdsourced data. For a small, niche group of expert volunteers, it is possible to assess if the quality of data sourced from official national maps and volunteered geographic information (VGI) is ÛÏgood enoughÛ using a crowdsourcing approach.However, ÛÏgood enoughÛ is a tricky concept when the crowd has a known face and can influence you.
Counting on Volunteers: Audubon Celebrates its 115th Annual Christmas Bird Count
This year marks Audubon’s 115th annual Christmas Bird Count. Started in 1900, the number of counts has been steadily growing, creating a valuable body of data and offering opportunities for volunteers to develop their skills and build friendships.
Calling Inquiring Minds: Citizen Science Association Hosts 2015 Conference
Opportunities for learning, networking, and connecting are the focus of the upcoming Citizen Science 2015 conference. This Citizen Science Association event will take place Feb. 11-12 in San Jose, California. Participants on every side of citizen science, from research coordination to volunteering, are invited to join the conversation.
Take Earth Science Week Into Your Hands with Citizen Science
Looking to get involved? Earth Science Week encourages students, teachers and the general public to share observations of the natural world through a variety of citizen science sites sponsored by the U.S. Geological Survey.
Connecting with Geoscience Systems: Earth Science Week 2014
Earth Science Week 2014 will focus on the interconnectedness of Earth systems. The international event is celebrated from Oct. 12-18. Opportunities for involvement include student contests, local activities, and a citizen science initiative. Potential participants are encouraged to begin planning now.
5th Digital Earth Summit Planned for Japan
The 5th Biennial Digital Earth Summit will be held in November in Nagoya, Japan. As an offshoot of the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development, the focus of the summit will be on how digital Earth technologies can be used to address sustainability education and other global issues.
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