The joint U.S. and European Jason-3 mission may help coastal regions in countries like Vietnam prepare for sea level rise associated with climate change.
By-The-Wind Sailors
Usually found drifting in open waters, these wayward sailors get blown off course by heavy winds. Science Writer Jenny Woodman takes a closer look at her favorite stretch of beach along the Oregon Coast; click here to view her photo essay. If the popup did not load automatically, click here.
Salt in the Storm Wounds
In the aftermath of hurricanes, salinity intrusion events cause tree damage and death in coastal forests and wetlands, but are overshadowed by wind and flooding impacts.
Coastal Observations and Monitoring: The Scientific, Technological and Societal Challenges
Introducing IEEE Earthzine’s quarterly theme on Coastal Environments.
Call for Papers: Coastal Environments
Earthzine, an IEEE online scientific publication, is soliciting articles of 800 to 3,000 words for its fourth 2016 quarterly theme, Coastal Environments.