The National Coral Reef Management Fellowship provides professional experience and training opportunities in coral reef resource management.
Sea Turtles Look Ahead to 2017
Sea turtles are swimming pretty in Belize, demonstrating the importance of marine protected areas.
Widely Used Fishing Aid Is Polluting Ocean and Needs Better Management
Electronic monitoring could provide data needed to help regulate use of fish aggregating devices.
When Fishing Becomes Harvesting: Tracking Fish Aggregating Devices to Reduce Pollution, Poaching
Satellite tracking of Fish Aggregating Devices helps island states govern waters, collect ocean data.
Turning Over a New Leaf: Modeling Green Infrastructure in Atlanta
Residents of Metro Atlanta pay the highest rates in the nation for municipal water and sewer, in part, due to massive recent investments in infrastructure to manage stormwater runoff. As development continues at a rapid pace in Atlanta and its suburbs, expanding areas of impervious surface will continue to exacerbate this problem.
Oh Deer! Where are the Mule Deer Going?
Mule deer are economically and ecologically important to the Southern Rockies; however, their populations are currently on the decline. Mule deer are migratory animals that are capable of traveling a few hundred miles from their summer to winter habitats and therefore require safe, uninterrupted passageways that will allow them to continue migrating without navigating over anthropogenic obstructions such as roads, oil well pads, and fences.
El Salvador’s Changing Landscape: Getting to the Ground Truth
Tropical forests are vital ecosystems because of their rich biodiversity and carbon sequestration abilities. Unfortunately, due to a number of factors, these forests are threatened by deforestation and forest degradation and are in need of comprehensive management strategies.
Condor Conservation in Three Dimensions
Can gadgets and processors save endangered species? Advances in biotelemetry combine with the power of supercomputing to keep California condors safe.
A River in Time
This is an article from the Summer 2015 VPS. For more VPS articles, click here Category:åÊAnalyzing Human and Environmental Health Project Team: Ocmulgee Ecological Forecasting II Team Location: University of Georgia – Athens, Georgia Authors: Christopher Cameron Andrew Herring Ayn Remillard Zhan Shi Mentors/Advisors: Dr. Thomas Jordan (Center for Geospatial Research, University of Georgia) Dr. Marguerite Madden (Center for Geospatial … Read More