A Dissolving Future for Coral Reefs

EarthzineCoral Reefs 2017

The latest findings suggest that ocean acidification by carbon dioxide may already be eroding reefs worldwide, and provide a crucial proof for a novel monitoring system tracking erosion on U.S. reefs.

A Web-based Lesson on Ocean-Color Observations in the Red Sea: Phytoplankton Phenological Indices and Their Importance for Coral Reef Biology


A Web-based lesson called LearnEO! uses ocean color images to quantify phytoplankton seasonality and help us understand the functioning of coral reef ecosystems. Coral reefs are among the most biologically diverse ecosystems on Earth. They occupy less than 0.1 percent of the world’s ocean surface, and yet they host 25 percent of all the marine species (1). Coral reefs deliver … Read More

Researchers find coral reefs at risk when sharks overfished


Originally Published by EarthSky -When shark populations in a coral reef system are severely reduced due to commercial fishing, herbivorous fish that graze on algae may also decline. Fewer herbivorous fish to keep algae growth in check in turn harms coral reefs. Conclusion: Healthy shark populations may aid the recovery of coral reefs whose futures are threatened across the globe.