Launched in November 2013, three Swarm satellites will provide new insights into many natural processes related to Earth’s magnetic field: from those occurring deep inside the planet to the near-Earth electromagnetic environment and the influences of the solar wind. Each of the Swarm satellites provides high-precision and high-resolution measurements of the strength, direction and variation of the magnetic field, complemented by precise navigation, accelerometer, plasma and electric field measurements.
The Future of Earth Observation – GEO-X
At the Group on Earth Observations’ 10th Plenary and Ministerial Summit in Switzerland, Jan. 12-17, delegates from 90 countries and 77 international organizations charted a course for a second decade of “unleashing the power of open data to improve the quality of life for people everywhere.” Earthzine science writer Osha Gray Davidson was there, providing live coverage of this historic event.
View from space: Earth’s tallest mountain
Originally Published by EarthSky – There are 14 mountain peaks on Earth that stand taller than 8,000 meters (26,247 feet). The tallest of these so-called “eight-thousanders” is Mount Everest, on the border between Tibet and Nepal in the Himalayan Mountains. The Nepalese name for the mountain is Sagarmatha, which means “mother of the universe.