To many, the concept of an Earth observation is removed, something done by people in labs with expensive equipment. A U.S. team including members from NASA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and U.S. Agency for International Development attended the GEO-XIV Plenary and attempted to show attendees that Earth observations affect people on a daily basis.
Insight for a Changing World: 14th GEO Plenary
GEO pivots its strategic mission to focus on putting it vast resources into the hands of users.
Mitigating Flooding and Drought through Data for Decision-Making
GEOGLOWS projects seek to connect emergency managers, governments with data ahead of flooding
This article is part of a series covering GEO Week in Washington, D.C., Oct. 23-27.
Reducing Disaster Risks Through Earth Observations
AmeriGEOSS takes a new approach to disaster preparedness. This is the first article in a series covering GEO Week in Washington, D.C., Oct. 23-27.