Climate change – how does it impact the Oceans and the polar regions ? A gist of a global study and a big-picture take on the latest assessment.
Arctic a ‘hot’ research topic at Oceans’19 conference
Arctic research was ‘hot’ at Oceans, Marseille. Here’s a summary.
Phytoplankton: Is the Basis of the Food Chain Doomed?
Global warming and the increase of ultraviolet (UV) radiation have damaged phytoplankton populations, which, as the basis of the ocean’s food chain, affect all other organisms in the system.
Fitoplankton: ¿La Base de la Cadena Alimenticia Condenada?
El calentamiento global y el aumento de la radiacion ultravioleta han generado el deterioro de las condiciones optimas para el desarrollo y crecimiento poblacional del fitoplancton. Siendo base de la cadena trofica del oceano significa que sin su presencia, esta estaría condenada a que cada uno de sus organismos se vieran afectados sin excepcion.
Identifying Urban Emission Patterns in the Los Angeles Megacity
This is an article from the Summer 2015 VPS. For more VPS articles, click here Category:åÊAnalyzing Human and Environmental Health Project Team: Los Angeles Health and Air Quality Team Location: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory – Pasadena, California Authors: Talha Rafiq Isis Frausto-Vicencio Valerie Carranza Mentors/Advisors: Dr. Charles Miller (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory) Dr. Francesca Hopkins (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory) Dr. … Read More