Coverage of the GEO XI in Geneva, Nov. 12-14, 2014.
How Did Nigeria Quash Its Ebola Outbreak So Quickly?
Tracking foodborne illness with Yelp
Utilizing Remote Sensing to Explore Environmental Factors of Visceral Leishmaniasis in South Sudan
Initial pilot study results suggest that climatology maybe used as an early warning system of Visceral leishmaniasis in South Sudan. Remote sensing and health data indicated that below average precipitation and inundation in the transmission period (AMJJ) may correspond with higher disease occurrence in September, October, November and December.
The Big Thaw: Warming Affects Arctic Animals, People in Different Ways
Discussions of climate change often focus on mid-latitude effects in order to emphasize the need for action. However, climate change and ensuing ice melts are quickly devastating Arctic mammals and native peoples of the Arctic.
Health Fears Prompt Crowdsourced Ocean Radioactivity Tracking Site
A new website by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) aims to collect ocean water samples from the public, along with donations to test them for radioactivity.
Tracking the Currents of Fukushima
Ken Buesseler of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute describes methods for tracking oceanic Cesium released by the Fukushima disaster and misperceptions about radioactive danger in the Northwest Pacific Ocean.
IEEE announces 4th Global Humanitarian Technology Conference in October 2014
The fourth-annual IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) will take place 10-13 October 2014 in Silicon Valley, California.