Dispatches from Oceans ’16: Exploring Other Oceans

Earthzine2016 Monthly Focus Topics, Original

How the field of AUV research is growing rapidly and breaking through barriers posed by ocean research. Monterey, California – How autonomous underwater vehicles are fundamentally changing the way humans are exploring the ocean was the focus of the first plenary session at Oceans ’16. “For most of us our view of the ocean has been in effect shaped from … Read More

Live From MTS/IEEE Oceans ‘15



Earthzine is attending and providing updates from the Oceans ’15 conference in National Harbor, Maryland, near Washington, D.C., from Oct. 19-22.

How to Harness the Power of 70,000 Suns


Originally Published by IEEE– Stacked solar cells are already the most efficient solar cells available, but researchers at North Carolina State University have found a technique to boost the cells’ effectiveness even further.