Deforestación en Tesso Nilo, Indonesia: una amenaza para el Tigre de Sumatra

EarthzineOriginal, SGS 2017, St. George's School

El bosque tropical de Tesso Nilo, ubicado en la provincia de Riau en Sumatra, Indonesia, es uno de los mas biodiversos del planeta. No obstante, durante los ultimos 20 anos el Tesso Nilo se ha visto afectado por la constante deforestación llevada a cabo en la zona, lo cual ha amenazado a numerosas especies animales que habitan en el bosque, especialmente al Tigre de Sumatra..

Calamity in Kalimantan: Palm Oil Growth at the Expense of Diversity

EarthzineDEVELOP 2016 Spring VPS, Mapping Landscape Changes and Species Distribution, Original

Indonesia is the world’s leading producer of palm oil. To keep pace with the continued worldwide expansion of palm oil demand, the government of Indonesia formulated an agricultural policy with the express purpose of doubling palm oil production by 2020. Unfortunately, palm oil plantation expansion comes at the cost of natural rainforest and biodiversity loss in the Central Kalimantan region.

New rat genus discovered in the birthplace of the theory of evolution


Originally Published EarthSky- One hundred years after the death of Sir Alfred Russel Wallace, an international team of zoologists has discovered a new genus of mammal in the Halmahera Island in Indonesia. It is located in Wallacea, an Eastern Indonesian region named after the British Naturalist himself. The team was surprised to find the new endemic rodent close to the locality of Boki Mekot, a mountainous area under severe ecological threat due to mining and deforestation.