With the rise in atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon’s role in ocean chemistry and biology is being augmented. New tracking and modeling techniques help to reveal how a changing atmosphere may impact the oceans. Carbon plays a leading role in ocean chemistry and biology, a role currently augmented by rising atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2). Tracking the … Read More
Investigating Groundwater in Montana Informs State Water Policy Decisions
The Ground Water Investigation Program at the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology seeks to provide answers to communities about the status of local groundwater. This article was updated on March 1st, 2016. As in many western states, officials in Montana have long been concerned with water. Montana’s landmass is the size of Japan, and the hydrogeology of the state … Read More
STEP M: Space to Effectively Prepare for Migration
Countries can follow STEP M in parallel, which will provide advice on how to obtain, integrate and operate space data within their adaptation plan for climate change and possible migration. Introduction Climate change will increasingly impact the Earth’s natural environment in many ways, such as more frequent natural disasters, heat waves, melting polar ice, and rising sea levels. Many of … Read More
An Integrated Modelling Framework for the Forest-based Bioeconomy
This paper describes the conceptual design of a regional modelling framework to assess scenarios for the forest-based bioeconomy. The framework consists of a core set of tools: a partial equilibrium model for the forest sector, a forestry dynamics model for forest growth and harvest, and a wood resources balance sheet. The framework can be expanded to include an energy model, a landuse model and a forest-owner decision model.
Predicting Future Forest Ranges Using Array-based Geospatial Semantic Modelling
Studying the impacts of climate change requires looking at ranges of variables that transect a broad range of sectors. Geospatial Semantic Array Programming (GeoSemAP) offers the potential to help create a cross-discipline vocabulary for discussing data and processes used in geospatial studies. Within this field, the PESETA II project offers an example of how GeoSemAPs can be used to address the ecological challenges associated with a shifting climate.
Using Airborne Geophysical Data to Predict Radon Risk Areas in Ireland
Aerial measurements of outdoor radon levels in Northern Ireland were conducted to produce risk-exposure mapping at fine resolution for household and building safety.
Improving Numerical Weather Prediction Models and Data-Access Latencies
The data center community must work to allow researchers more time to spend on analyzing results and less time coding and worrying about file formats and data transfers. We identify some of the existing limitations of traditional archives, discuss examples of model data diagnostics, and explore the many benefits of providing archive-based computational resources on peta-scale databases.
An Application for Improving Air Quality (a Houston Case Study)
In this work, we focus on the surface layer scheme, which provides input to the land and surface sub-models to calculate surface heat, momentum and moisture fluxes that drive the planetary boundary layer schemes that determine near surface wind speeds.
SERVIR partnership increases capabilities of Himalaya regional organization ICIMOD
SERVIR continues to put resources into the hands of local experts through its newest partnership with regional Himalaya development organization ICIMOD. With supplemental resources from SERVIR, ICIMOD has increased capacity in its member states and developed a forest fire monitoring system based on satellite data.