Takeaway from discussions at Ocean Sciences meeting on Ocean observation for SIDS
Understanding the Ocean through sound – JOE October 20 issue
Sound is widely used to sense and understand the oceans. Here’s a look at the latest research on understanding and interpreting sound signals in the ocean.
Standards and Best practices – the toolboxes for ensuring high quality of ocean data
With the introduction of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, it is obvious that we have a clear need for standards to allow for the comparability of ocean observations.
Sustaining Long-Term Ocean Observations
Long-term observations are critical for using ocean resources responsibly and sustainably.
Ocean Best Practices OBPS Success Story – GOOS-Endorsed Best Practices
During the last year, Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), working with the OBPS, have developed a process to enable GOOS community best practices to be identified and made available via a search function in the OBPS.
Improving Global and Regional Ocean Observing Through Best Practices and Standards
Why adopting and documenting Best Practices and Standards is important to understanding our Oceans better, and thereby solving problems of the coming Decade.