The session addressed the theme of the role of technology in the ocean-human relationship, through a panel discussion about progress, challenges and opportunities
Resilient Coasts: Adapting today to secure tomorrow
This was the focus of the plenary session 1 at OCEANS conference, Hampton roads.
Jan. 1 Deadline for Input on Federal Plan for Future Ocean Research
If you work in ocean science and technology fields, then the U.S. government would like to hear from you about research priorities for the coming decade; the deadline for input is Jan. 1, 2017.
Dispatches from Oceans ‘16: The Future of Oceans
New technologies, tackling big data and fully exploring the mysteries in the ocean seems to be a real possibility.
AtlantOS: Who Will Know the Ocean?
A new effort is getting underway to monitor and understand one of the least explored regions on Earth: the Atlantic Ocean, from pole-to-pole and from the surface waters to the bottom of the deepest trenches. Ocean researchers have learned much since the American biologist Rachel Carson observed in 1937: “Who has known the ocean? Neither you nor I.” But, says … Read More