Now beginning its second decade as an organization, the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) convenes its annual plenary meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia, to consider how best to support the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Global Agenda.
The ‘Great Grain Robbery’ of 1972
Out of the unsettling agricultural and economic events of 1972, the beginnings of a robust agricultural monitoring program were born.
Supporting a Forest Observation System for Siberia: Earth Observation for Monitoring, Assessing and Providing Forest Resource Information
he monitoring and assessment of the remote Russian forest resources of Siberia is challenging and can only be done by integrating remote sensing techniques. Human and environmental forest disturbances continuously affect changing forest cover and biomass levels. The ZAṔS initiative is prototyping and supporting a forest observation system for Siberia using Earth observation data from European and Russian satellite data providers.