A widely used “fluid earth systems” data model and data access standard called netCDF now provides an important bridge between GIS and the complex 4-D processing systems used in oceanography and atmospheric sciences. By bringing netCDF into the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards organization, the netCDF community has given climate scientists, for example, a streamlined method for bringing virtually all types of spatial/temporal data and processing into climate science models and workflows.
What is GEO? A Quick Look at the Group on Earth Observations
The 10th GEO Plenary in January marked an opportunity for the organization to celebrate its accomplishments and set goals for the future. At Earthzine, this gathering also provided an opportunity to highlight the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) in new articles and reflect back on the origins of the group.
A Growing Initiative: The Progress and Future of the Global Forest Observation Initiative
You don’t have to talk with Dr. Doug Muchoney for very long to discover his enthusiasm. Based at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in Virginia, Muchoney is the U.S. representative for the Global Forest Observation Initiative (GFOI). In an interview with Earthzine, he shared a look into his experience with the GFOI so far.
The Future of Earth Observation – GEO-X
At the Group on Earth Observations’ 10th Plenary and Ministerial Summit in Switzerland, Jan. 12-17, delegates from 90 countries and 77 international organizations charted a course for a second decade of “unleashing the power of open data to improve the quality of life for people everywhere.” Earthzine science writer Osha Gray Davidson was there, providing live coverage of this historic event.
The Group on Earth Observations Looks Toward a Second Decade of Data Sharing
Since 2005, the international Group of Earth Observations has been working to make vital data about our planet widely available and create a Global Earth Observation System of Systems. The group meets in Geneva starting on Jan. 12, to assess past work and chart a course for another decade.