This project analyzed the efficacy of NASA Earth observations in providing an additional tool for the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality to use in their analysis of water quality using turbidity as the parameter.
Utilizing NASA Earth Observations to Assess Snow Cover in Saguaro National Park
Using NASA Earth observations and Google Earth Engine, NASA DEVELOP helps to provide National Park Service with a new tool to assess snow cover in Saguaro National Park.
Ozone and the Appalachian Trail
In large quantities, tropospheric ozone can negatively impact humans and vegetation, but ground-level stations only sample a portion of the atmosphere. This project assessed how NASA satellite data in conjunction with ground stations can enhance education efforts of the National Park Service.
Chaco Canyon Cross-Cutting: Identifying Community Signatures with NASA Earth Observations
This article is a part of the NASA DEVELOP’s Spring 2017 Article Session. For more articles like these, click here This project identifies areas within the San Juan basin that have a high probability of containing an environment suitable to Chacoan sites and generates a risk map of sites at risk of disturbance from expanding infrastructure. Authors: Dashiell Cruz Sydney … Read More
Mapping Quaking Aspen in the Laramie Mountain Range, Wyoming
This study used remote sensing and distribution modeling techniques to map aspen cover in a remote mountain range in Southeast Wyoming to support elk and mule deer habitat management.
Linking Managed and Natural Ecosystems Through Evapotranspiration and NASA’s Upcoming ECOSTRESS Mission
NASA DEVELOP team uses NASA Earth observations to map winter cover crop conservation performance in the Chesapeake Bay watershed to improve agricultural management strategies.