Public health alerts on air quality, outbreaks of disease carried by water-borne vectors, and assessments of access to health facilities are informed by Earth observations and help to achieve SDG Goal 3 on Good Health and Wellbeing.
PLAY VIDEOWhite House edits CDC testimony on the health risks of climate change.
PLAY VIDEOA study published in the “Journal of the American Medical Association” shows that infections caused...
PLAY VIDEOReuters reports that “Birth defects in Chinese infants have soared nearly 40 percent since 2001,...
PLAY VIDEOScientists track the evolution of HIV virus using genetic analysis. It’s an example of how...
PLAY VIDEOAir quality in New Delhi has deteriorated significantly in the past two years, exposing the...
PLAY VIDEOThe ability of infectious diseases to thrive depends on changes in the Earth’s environment such...
PLAY VIDEOTwo Los Angeles reservoirs – the Elysian and the Silver Lake – have been closed...
PLAY VIDEOA small Italian village is experiencing an outbreak of the tropical disease chikungunya – a...
PLAY VIDEOAn international team of scientists have found a method that could allow sea cucumbers’ ability...
PLAY VIDEODemand for traditional medicines – which consumers feel is more holistic than Western medicine –...
PLAY VIDEOAccording to a new study done by Stanford University researchers, anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide...
PLAY VIDEODavid Rogers – head of the EU-funded Eden Project – says that although a warmer...
PLAY VIDEOEcotourists and researchers studying Africa’s great apes – and simultaneously protecting them from poachers, are...
PLAY VIDEOA recent article published in the British Medical Journal warns that climate change will have...
PLAY VIDEOResearchers from the Finnish Radiation ad Nuclear Safety Authority have shown that radiation from cellular...
PLAY VIDEOSkin secretions from a South American “shrinking” frog could be used to treat type 2...
PLAY VIDEOIn what could have serious implications for humans – according to Charles Hanafin of Stanford...
PLAY VIDEORaising concerns about the long-term consequences to human health, a vast array of pharmaceuticals –...
PLAY VIDEOThe Bush administration has tightened restrictions regarding smog-forming ozone – reducing the acceptable level from...
PLAY VIDEOThe Center for Public Integrity has released data on chemical health hazards in the Great...
PLAY VIDEOScientists from the Northern Land Research firm are suggesting that sled dog’s fur coats can...
PLAY VIDEOSucralose, or Splenda as it is better known, has been found to be omnipresent in...
PLAY VIDEOThe air inside certain automobiles manufactured by European, Japanese and U.S. companies can have very...
PLAY VIDEOThe government of Ecuador has filed a lawsuit against the government of Colombia in the...
PLAY VIDEOThe world’s largest marsupial carnivore is facing extinction from a mystery facial cancer, but...
PLAY VIDEOThe Brazilian government begins producing condoms using rubber from trees in the Amazon.
PLAY VIDEOA chemical widely used in consumer plastics manufacturing, bisphenol A (BPA), is raising concerns following...
PLAY VIDEOSamples of milk from nursing humans in Massachusetts show traces of the Perfluorinated compounds, or...
PLAY VIDEOA new study has shown that higher levels of soot in the air can cause...
PLAY VIDEOA team of scientists has found that tiny nanotubes – the wonder material of nanotechnology...
PLAY VIDEODemocratic Senators lambaste the EPA for firing an official – Mary Gade – after she...
PLAY VIDEOA report by the California Air Resources board says that up to 24,000 Californians die...
PLAY VIDEONew findings suggest that – as it becomes evident that even low leveles of particulate...
PLAY VIDEOAn interview with a physician and molecular biologist and teacher of genetics at the University...
PLAY VIDEOWhen the Group of Eight, G8, leaders of the world’s wealthiest countries open their annual...
PLAY VIDEOBritain’s Sir John Sulston says that profits are taking precedence over the needs of patients,...
PLAY VIDEOThe brains of young children absorb twice as much as radio frequency energy from a...
PLAY VIDEODespite various actions taken by the government, Beijing’s air is murky just days before the...
PLAY VIDEOEnvironmental groups have asked manufacturers of compact fluorescent lamps to find ways to minimize and...
PLAY VIDEOEfforts to sustain eradicate malaria won’t succeed without an integrated approach linking malaria and neglected...