Marine stratocumulus clouds that frequently develop off the coast of Peru occassionally move inland, filling the valleys with a thick fog.
Arctic heatwave could break records
Temperatures at the North Pole could be up to 20 degrees higher than average.
How likely is a white Christmas?
This map at shows the historic probability of there being at least 1 inch of snow on the ground in the Lower 48 states on December 25. Dark gray shows places where the probability is less than 10%, while white shows probabilities greater than 90%. Image via NOAA
Cloud formation: How feldspar acts as ice nucleus
In the atmosphere, feldspar particles act as ice nuclei that make ice crystals grow in clouds and enable precipitation.
Millions prepare for potentially 'paralyzing' east coast winter storm
Washington DC is at the center of the blizzard’s aim, where forecasters have warned residents to brace for more than 30in snow and wind gusts up to 50mph.
Record US temperatures are work of El Niño and polar vortex, experts say
Two weather systems keep 2015 on track to be hottest year ever, with current El Niño phenomenon likely to be one of three strongest in half century
Convection Cycles, Atmosphere, and Ocean Work Symbiotically
Scientists review studies of the tropical Madden-Julian Oscillation to better frame its role in air-sea interactions.
Thousand-year deluge in South Carolina
What does it take for a weather event to eclipse in attention the development of a Category 4 hurricane just offshore of the southeast U.S. coastline?
Ocean warming leads to stronger precipitation extremes
Due to climate change, not only atmospheric, but also oceanic, temperatures are rising.
Weather, Risk, and Searching for Normal in a Rapidly Changing World
How will we adapt to climate change and increasingly severe storms if humans aren’t very good at interpreting risk?