The Mobile Bay and Mississippi Sound are the main coastal estuaries along the Alabama and Mississippi Gulf Coast.
Time Marshes On: Monitoring Past, Present, and Future Marsh Health in the Chesapeake Bay
Tidal wetlands, such as marshes, are among the Chesapeake Bay’s most protective natural features.
The Delta Smeltdown: Monitoring Turbidity to Aid Delta Smelt Conservation
Water quality is a critical element of freshwater supply, particularly in times and areas of drought.
Tree Health Time Machine
Nearly three quarters of Lassen Volcanic National Park (LVNP) is designated as Wilderness under the Wilderness Act of 1964, meaning it is to be managed ÛÏto preserve its natural conditions Û_ with the imprint of man’s work substantially unnoticeable.Û
Catchment in the Rye: Conservation in the Chesapeake Bay
NASA DEVELOP team uses NASA Earth observations to map winter cover crop conservation performance in the Chesapeake Bay watershed to improve agricultural management strategies.