Twin jets pinpoint active galaxy’s heart

Ohno DesignEarth Observation

NGC 1052 is an elliptical galaxy, located approximately 60 million light-years away in the direction of our constellation Cetus the Whale. It’s an active galaxy; that is, it has an especially luminous core, thought to contain an active supermassive black hole.

Applying Geospatial Semantic Array Programming for a Reproducible Set of Bioclimatic Indices in Europe

Ohno DesignGeospatial Semantic Array Programming

Bioclimate-driven regression analysis is a widely used approach for modelling ecological niches and zonation. Although the bioclimatic complexity of the European continent is high, a particular combination of 12 climatic and topographic covariates was recently found able to reliably reproduce the ecological zoning of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for forest resources assessment at pan-European scale, generating the first fuzzy similarity map of FAO ecozones in Europe.