Exploiting Temporal Coherence for Fire Mapping from MODIS Spaceborne Observations

EarthzineArticles, Original, Sections, Technology, Themed Articles, Wildfires Theme


Noise from various sources, such as clouds, is present in satellite observations. This noise, as well as low contrast in satellite images, prevents automatic tools from processing each image independently. We developed an approach which processes all images simultaneously and enforces the constraint that the burned areas can only grow in time. This allows the exploitation of temporal information not available for a single image.

LANDFIRE 2010 – Updated Data to Support Wildfire and Ecological Management

EarthzineArticles, Disasters, Original, Technology, Wildfires Theme


Data products and tools from the LANDFIRE Program help decision-makers clarify problems and identify possible solutions when managing fires and natural resources. The Program – a joint effort between the U.S .Department of the Interior Office of Wildland Fire, U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Fire & Aviation Management, and The Nature Conservancy – provides the only complete geospatial dataset describing vegetation and wildland fuel information for the entire U.S.