Welcome to Earthzine and thank you for visiting our site. It’s my pleasure to introduce and describe to you this new on-line magazine and invite you to join our on-line community of Earth observers. Earthzine.org is a premier on-line resource for news, articles, information and educational materials about Earth Science, Earth observations and users of Earth information. Earthzine.org is a contribution of the IEEE Committee on Earth Observation in support of the Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS).
Earthzine.org is a resource for the international Earth-observing community and an arm for vitally-needed public outreach by providing information on the science and technology underlying Earth observations, and utilizing Earth information. The on-line publication is updated regularly with news from around the world about the Earth, Earth observations, environmental policy, and new and emerging environmentally-friendly and earth-observing technologies. We plan to develop and maintain comprehensive educational materials that are informative to the professional and accessible to the general public. Our goal is to publish materials that are inspirational to new and future Earth observers and promote greater awareness of the Earth through its observation. Using the latest web technologies, the site fosters interaction of an on-line community of Earth observers. Earthzine.org serves as a repository of professional and amateur observations from around the world through features such as an on-line poster session where community members can “hang” their posters and distribute copies of their publications. Overlaying these resources are quarterly publications of articles centered on themes relevant to the nine societal benefit areas identified by GEOSS. The first three quarterly themes are Earth Observations: A Global Perspective, International Polar Year, and Sub-Saharan Drought.
Currently, the Earthzine staff is in the process of developing the site’s infrastructure and establishing a repository of site content. We invite you to be part of this effort by joining the Earth-observing community. There are many ways in which you may participate and contribute. The easiest way is to sign in and share your comments about what you observe, upload samples of your work for others to see and comment on other’s work. If you would like to make a more sustained contribution, volunteer to be an editor, write an article, and invite others to participate. The Earthzine volunteers and I look forward to hearing from you.